

what is forma?

Forma is a cutting-edge, non-surgical, thermal skin tightening and tissue remodeling treatment. AKA the “Celeb Glow” treatment. Everyone from the Kardashians to Amber Rose uses this magic wand to look tight and contoured. Skin tightening is the most effective, non-invasive solution to reversing the signs of aging. Bipolar radiofrequency travels via electrodes to deliver a pain-free treatment that can sculpt any area of the skin you feel needs improved elasticity and tightening. Forma provides unprecedented safety of RF delivery that is FDA approved. Safe to use on all skin tones and types.

how does it work?

Forma works with subdermal heating of the skin between 104°F - 109°F. The technology is auto-adjusting to ensure the correct level of heat at all times. Radiofrequency power flows uniformly between the electrodes to provide a comfortable thermal experience with immediate and subsequent contraction. 

what can be treated?

Forma works wonders to carve out jawline and cheekbones.

Tighten up and treat smile lines.

Smooth crows feet.

Tighten upper and lower eyelids.

Sagging jowels.


Nasolabia folds.

Can even be used on chest to prevent ‘cougar cleavage’.

ANY area of skin on face and body that needs tightening can be treated.

Who is a Candidate for Forma?

Forma is a great option for anyone who wants non-surgical skin tightening and increased elasticity anywhere on their body. Forma is suitable for all skin tones and types and can be used on almost any body part to achieve a tighter more contoured effect. Forma should not be used as a weight loss tool and is not a substitute for exercise or a healthy diet, but it should be used in conjuncture with these things to achieve maximum results.

How Long do Results Last?

Forma is not a permanent fix, but rather a maintenance program. You will notice improvement after each session until you reach maximum results. Once you reach maximum improvement, results can be maintained with subsequent non-surgical skin tightening treatments scheduled less often or further apart. The maintenance aspect of Forma is individual, and you and your provider will be able to determine how often you need to undergo additional non-surgical skin tightening treatments to maintain final results. As you continue to age, you will of course require continuous non-surgical skin tightening treatments to maintain as much of your skin’s tightness and elasticity as the technology will allow for.

what to expect

Upon arrival you will first fill out an intake form. Next you will discuss your problem areas and desired results versus expected results with our laser technician, Stephanie. You will have photographs taken (for office use only unless consent is given for additional mediums) so that skin tightness can be compared over multiple sessions to assess effectiveness of treatment. You will then get appropriately changed depending on which body parts are being treated then get cozy in one of our treatment beds. A cool conductive gel will be applied to treatment zone. The forma facial is comparable to the feeling of a hot stone massage and quite relaxing. Patients will feel a little bit of heat coming from the wand, but nothing hot enough to burn the skin or cause any pain. The heating sensation will gradually increase until it reaches ideal temperature. A cleansing and application of sunscreen will complete treatment. A treatment zone takes approximately 40 minutes to treat. There is zero down time or recovery when treatment is complete. Some patients experience a bit of redness on their skin after the procedure but this generally subsides after an hour or two. Expect to feel tighter after your first visit. You will notice continued improvement for months after a full series as new collagen forms and your skin continues to contract.


One treatment zone is the size of 2 adult hands. For instance your face will be one treatment zone. Your neck would be a second zone.

The waiting period between Forma treatments is minimal since there is no downtime. For best results, a series of 6 sessions are usually planned. The sessions are performed once, every 7-15 days apart over a period of 5-8 weeks.

Individuals with mild laxity of the skin usually require fewer sessions. The frequency of the sessions is also less in such cases with more weeks between 2 treatments.

If packages are purchased, you may use multiple sessions from package in one appointment. If entire purchased package is not needed to obtain maximum results, those sessions will be banked for maintenance appointments. No refunds will be made.

Forma sculpting

$250 per treatment

Package of 3: $675

Package of 6: $1,200